Systec Controls


Systec Controls is an innovative, Germany-based company on the field of flow-measurement and environmental measuring methods. The most striking example for our activities is the development of the deltaflow integrating-pitot tube. Its special profile has introduced a new dimension of dp-measurement.

Moreover systec Controls is an experienced partner for ultrasonic flow-measurement solutions. Clamp-on or in-line systems, filled or partially filled pipes, transparent or contaminated media, systec Controls can offer an ultrasonic solution. Systec and Hanang will solve your flow problems!


Highly accurate flow instrument for gas applications. Found in many steam flow applications

Deltaflow C

Economical gas flow instrumentation for your process needs


Flow computer to go with pitot tube application


Deltafit secures optimum oxygen input to your prozess, works also under heaviest conditions for years without any maintenance


Precise non-penetrating flowmeter for open channels,filles and partially filled pipes and also a temperatur meter and a flow profile analysis tool.

Portable DeltaWave

Portable accurate non-penetrating flowmeter which is versatile and reliable